Ryan Conley

Ryan Conley

Research Interests

Ryan Conley joined the MA program in Fall 2017. His research interests include: East-West relations, international security, NATO.

Ryan graduated in February 2019 and is currently a Foreign Area Officer of the US Army.

MA Thesis

Diffusing Global Medical Knowledge in Ukraine: A Study of the Changing Practices and Policies to Treat PTSD Among Soldiers and Veterans Post-2014
Advisor: Elise Giuliano


  • MA in European History, Politics, and Society - Columbia University (2019)
  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering - University of Maryland (2005)

Awards & Fellowships

  • 2018 - Thesis Fieldwork Grant, European Institute
  • 2018 - Thesis Research Award, Columbia GSAS
  • 2017 - Advanced Civil Schooling Scholarship, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies