
We accept applicants with backgrounds from political science, economics, history, philosophy, sociology, literature and other disciplines in the social sciences and humanities.

Before applying, we encourage you to contact the program team at Columbia (write to [email protected]) or at the LSE (write to [email protected]) for more information, or to answer specific questions.

Applications Deadlines

Early Deadline for Fall 2024 Admission: January 25, 2024

Deadline for Fall 2024 Admission: March 14, 2024

Applications will be considered until May 3, 2024, on a space-available basis.

Online Application

Students apply through the website of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) of Columbia University.

Please visit GSAS Application to apply to the dual MA/MSc program.

Please also visit the Introduction to GSAS Admissions page for more information about the application process and admission policies.

Application Materials

  1. Official Transcripts
  2. Statement of Academic Purpose
  3. Writing Sample (10-15 pages)
  4. Resume or CV
  5. Letters of Recommendation (3) *At least 2 of these letters must be from academic recommenders.
  6. TOEFL or IELTS Scores *For non-native English speakers
  7. GRE Scores *Optional