Edoardo Vaccari joined the MA program in Fall 2018. His research interests include: intellectual history and the history of political thought in late modern and contemporary Europe and United States, with particular attention to ideology and totalitarianism, political violence and uprootedness. His current research focuses on three European intellectuals - Albert Camus, George Orwell and Ignazio Silone - whose political and artistic work strove to express critical distance from right-wing and left-wing authoritarian ideologies in the interwar and early postwar period
Edoardo graduated in October 2019 and is currently a PhD student in History at the London School of Economics (London, UK).
MA Thesis
Rethinking Socialism, Rebuilding Empire: A Political Portrait of Ignazio Silone (1941-1953)
Advisor: Mark Lilla
- MA in European History, Politics, and Society - Columbia University, 2019
- BA in History - University of Bologna
Awards & Fellowships
- 2019 - Thesis Fieldwork Grant, European Institute